$ff9|1-The Great Hair Debate $000 Bolty butts in... $420 Just a quick note to say that brunettes win everyday. Its very stereotyped, but good looking blondes always look dumb to me, where as brunettes look intelligent, sexy, and sofisticated. And they're more likely to be babes, especially if they've got green eyes. You see those "blondes" with brown eyes, brown eyebrows, and brown roots? They're stupid they are. I reckon it could be true though that you go for people who share your own hair colour. Seems to be the way with most people I know. Curly/Permed hair sux. Ginger (pronounced as it is spelt, NOT "jinjer") is scanky. Ugh. And blokes, with long hair, GET IT CUT! You see from a distance to a shortsighted person such as myself, you look like babes. Imagine my embarassment and dismay when I get you in focus only to find you a greasy grungy bloke. Yuck. $ff5 [I disagree. Women can look beautiful with any hair colour as long as it's not those extreme bleached blondes! There's a limit you can go to. I used to have streaked hair which was dark brown with blonde streaks. These days it's dark brown and goes right down my back. I ain't getting my hair cut though and I think the goatee lets you know that I ain't female but then I don't know the kind of girls you date... ;) When I said girls with any colour hair, there are a few at uni with crimson and bright blue hair and they look great! Green hair is out though. Check out manga and anime for hair colouring! Kei] $420 end